The circular economy


I think the circular economy is ideal for the whole world. So every company and person wants to try it. 

But, I thought it has a huge wall to implement various measures. I studied that some companies are doing renting service to make the circular economy. For example, they rent bulb per month, and people don't have to buy new one due to it. Garments companies also recycle old clothes to new one. I think these services are suitable to do quickly.

But, if more companies try to do a renting service, they might expand the kinds of service. Now only bulb and clothes. But I am sure that the contents of future services are renting house, furniture, suit, friends and so on like what people cannot move into action.

Therefore, I think before companies implement these servicies, they should implement the content of "the circular economy" and the convenience of this services.

That's why what companies do this services right now is not good I think.
