amazon deforestation

 Now deforestation is ongoing in amazon right now. Deforestation would have advantages, but there are more disadvantages than them.  So I would like to introduce cons today.

First one is climate change. Trees are capable of converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. So deforestation would urge the global warming. 

Second one is the problem of indigenous people. In amazon area, there is a possibility that they have lived for a long time. so deforestation would disrupt their daily life. If your daily life is destroyed, how do you feel? It can be the big problem.

The last one is decrease of water. Amazon has a big river. It is people's daily water. It should be one of the biggest problem.

As I mentioned, the worst problems of deforestation of Amazon forest can be serious in the world. So we need to take measures we can do now. Why don't you think together?


  1. I have made a presentation about this topic before and I searched indigenous people so I'm glad you mentioned about this in this blog. I want to share these information to people as many as possible:)

