Internet tracking

 Hello everyone. When I studied this topic, I remembered one thing connected to this topic. This is " accept cookies". So today I would like to talk about this one.

When I research something on the phone, like safari, I often the button which is " do you accept cookie?". This appears like a advertisement. because of it, I can't see sentences with it. So I always accept this. BUT, when I research internet tracking, I found an article. It says that accepting cookie is not good because personal information would be stolen. I was like I did many times before!!

So If you glance this button, do NOT accept.

Thank you for your attention.


  1. Nice point. It's true that "accept cookies" appear when every you search something or you visit some sites.

  2. Thank you for sharing information about "cookie"!! I've seen "accept cookie" many times when using my computer and have accepted it every time I was asked.
    That's good to know!!

  3. I always click "accept cookies" and even knows what that means,now I feel a bit creepy knowing it is not good because personal information would be stolen

  4. I might have pressed the YES button without even knowing it. Thanks for letting me know.

